Konferenciaelőadások angol nyelven
András Bakos. A Modern Freight Distribution Model for Urban Areas.
International Conference on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH 2011.
Pozsony, Szlovákia, 2011. szeptember 1-2.
URL: http://www.in-tech.info/2011/index.html

András Bakos. Complex Cost Model for the City Logistics Development of Budapest.
International Transport Conference for Engineers and PhD Students.
Budapest, Magyarország, BME Út és Vasútépítési Tanszék, 2012.
András Bakos. The Development Of A Complex City Logistics Cost Model Using Urban Consolidation Centres And Innovative Technology.
Trans & MOTAUTO’12: 20th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Transport, Road-Building, Agricultural, Hoisting and Hauling and Military Technics and Technologies.
Várna, Bulgária, 2012. június 27-29.
URL: https://trans-motauto.com/sbornik/2012/COVER.pdf
Krisztián Bóna PhD, Dávid Lajos Sárdi. Developing and testing a methodology for acquiring the logistical characteristics of shopping malls in Budapest, for city logistical solutions.
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport 2016
Krakkó, Lengyelország, 2016. június 1-3.

Krisztián Bóna PhD, Dávid Lajos Sárdi. Developing a mesoscopic simulation model for examination of freight traffic of shopping malls in Budapest.
Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2017.
Prága, Csehország, 2017. május 25-26.
URL: https://akce.fd.cvut.cz/en/scsp2017

Krisztián Bóna PhD, Dávid Lajos Sárdi. Macroscopic simulation model of a multi-stage, dynamic cargo bike-based logistics system in the supply of shopping malls in Budapest.
Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2018.
Prága, Csehország, 2018. május 24-25.
URL: http://akce.fd.cvut.cz/en/scsp2018

Krisztián Bóna PhD, Dávid Lajos Sárdi. Simulation modelling in the sizing of city logistics systems – a study for concentrated delivery points.
Debrecen, Debreceni Egyetem, 2018. október 11-13.
URL: https://konferencia.unideb.hu/sites/default/files/upload_documents/iscame_2018_conference_proceedings_3_0.pdf

Krisztián Bóna PhD, Dávid Lajos Sárdi. Investigation of concentrated sets of urban delivery points.
MLBKT Intelligens logisztika a fenntartható fejlődésért – Smart Logistics for a Sustainable Development.
Budapest, Öbölház, 2018. november 29.
URL: https://logisztika.hu/2018/11/15/intelligens-logisztika-a-fenntarthato-fejlodesert/

Dávid Lajos Sárdi, Krisztián Bóna, PhD. Examination of the logistics systems of concentrated sets of urban delivery points by simulation.
The 21th International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation.
Lisszabon, Portugália, 2019. szeptember 18-20.
URL: http://www.msc-les.org/conf/i3m2019/

Krisztián Bóna PhD, Dávid Lajos Sárdi. The visions of the future urban supply chains for the green cities: possible applications in Budapest.
5th ASEM Transport Ministers’ Meeting (ASEMTMM5).
Budapest, Vigadó, 2019. december 10.
URL: https://www.aseminfoboard.org/

Dávid Lajos Sárdi, Krisztián Bóna, PhD. AHP-based multicriterial ranking model for the city logistics analysis of urban areas (2020).
10th International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS2020).
Peking, Kína, online, 2020. július 27.
URL: http://icir.bjtu.edu.cn/liss2020/
Dávid Lajos Sárdi, Krisztián Bóna, PhD. Application possibilities of delivery drones in the case of concentrated sets of delivery locations in Budapest (2021).
19th European Transport Congress of the EPTS Foundation e.V – European Green Deal.
Maribor, Szlovénia, online, 2021. október 7.
URL: https://www.fgpa.um.si/etc/

András Bakos. Water-based city logistics solutions.
FastTrack Transport To Regions and Authorities through Capacity and Knowledge Fostering the Acceleration of Sustainable – Capacity Building Week.
Budapest, Budapesti Dock, 2023. május 17.
URL: http://fasttrackmobility.eu/events?c=search&uid=p0OQxxzd

Krisztián Bóna, Dávid Lajos Sárdi, Aletta Büki, Viktória Domaniczki. The future role of smart devices in the system of urban concentrated loading areas.
1st Sustainable Mobility and Transportation Symposium.
Győr, Széchenyi Egyetem, 2024. október 14.
URL: https://smtsymposium.sze.hu/home