Members of the City Logistics Research Group

Krisztián Bóna, Ph.D.
head of the City Logistics Research Group, associate professor, head of department
Associate professor, head of the department, and teacher of subjects based on the planning of logistics systems and modeling at the Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems (from now on, DMHLS) in BUTE (Budapest University of Technology and Economics). In recent decades, he has been the founder of numerous production systems, warehouse, and process planning projects. He is concerned with the mathematical modeling of logistics systems and the application of innovative technological and organizational solutions in logistics. He is the founder and leader of BUTE DMHLS’s very own City Logistics Research group, author of numerous scientific publications and conference presentations, consultant of SRS papers, and bachelor and master thesis works based on the work of the Research Group. Besides city logistics, he is actively working on the logistics application of drones, inventory modeling, and forecasting.

Dávid Lajos Sárdi, Ph.D.
senior lecturer
MTMT, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Scopus
Senior lecturer at the Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems (previously, PhD-student of the Kálmán Kandó Doctoral School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering between 2019 and the start of 2023), he is currently researching at DMHLS BUTE, member of the Research Group since 2015. He wrote his bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis, and a Ph.D. dissertation based on the modeling of city logistics systems. He received the third prize at the BMe Research Grant in 2022. Since 2019, he has been the supervisor of several SRS papers, and bachelor and master thesis works based on the work of the Research Group.

András Bakos
assistant lecturer
Assistant lecturer on DMHLS, working with the Research Group since 2010. His research is about the improvement of transportation with city logistics solutions; he is the author of numerous papers and conference presentations, and the teacher of city logistics and transport control-based subjects on DMHLS.
Other experts currently assisting the work of the Research Group
György Lipovszki, Ph.D., retired associate professor – He has been working with simulations for 40 years as the expert of numerous simulation applications; nowadays, he is working on a self-developed Python-based simulation model. He is assisting the work of our Research Group via simulation modeling. He is currently participating in the discrete event simulation-based modeling of city logistics systems of concentrated sets of delivery locations in his own Python-based application.
Past assistants of the Research Group
Beáta Nagyné Csóti, BUTE DMHLS, master lecturer – Validated the mathematical model for the city logistics system of concentrated sets of delivery locations (2018)
Marcell Bertalan, BUTE DMHLS, assistant lecturer – Participation in developing an AnyLogic-based pilot simulation model (2018)
Bálint Bertalan, BUTE DMHLS, department engineer – Participation in developing a Python-based DES simulation model (2021)
Students currently assisting the work of the Research Group
Dóra Kovács, Petra Kovács, Nóra Julianna Ráduly, Janka Tihanyi, Zalán Tiborc Uglik
Previous members of the Research Group
Ádám Róka
Member of the DMHLS’s City Logistics Research group between 2016 and 2023. He wrote his master’s thesis about sizing city cross-docks for concentrated sets of delivery locations, which earned him first place in MLBKT’s Péter Lőrincz Thesis Competition. He assisted DMHLS’s work as a Department Engineer between 2019 and 2023.
István Bence Kövér
Member of the BUTE DMHLS’s City Logistics Research Group between 2018 and 2022. He wrote his bachelor’s thesis based on topological modeling of shopping areas and his master’s thesis on the application of DES-based simulation models in city logistics, and he also conducted research examining the possibilities of using waterways for city logistics applications.
Students who assisted the Research Group earlier
Aletta Büki, Viktória Domaniczki, Szilvia Foltin, István Font, Máté Gyürüs, Mátyás Karakai, Henriett Kormos, Dávid Losonczi, Petra Major, Eszter Matiscsák, Dávid Mázik, Bálint Mészáros, Máté Imre Posta, Attila Prácser, Szilvia Tóth
Students previously assisting data collection for the Research Group
Patrik Bene, Tünde Benedek, Flóra Kovács, Gabriella Lakos, Bettina Misi, Dorottya Luca Pesti, Péter Szabó, Anna Szakál, Bence Varga, Fanni Vincze