BME City Logistics Research Group – About us

The City Logistics Research Group of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics is led by Dr. Krisztián Bóna and is operated by the Faculty of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering within the Department of Material Handling and Logistics. The actual members of the Research Group are Dávid Sárdi, senior lecturer, and András Bakos, assistant lecturer. The work of the Research Group is additionally supported by several logistics engineer students.
Through the work of the Research Group, in recent years, numerous successful SRS (Student Research Societies)-papers, bachelor and master thesis works, a Ph.D. dissertation, multiple conference presentations, and professional publications have been prepared, along with making students able to complete their project-based subjects by elaborating the topics of the Research Group.
The work of the Research Group targets different areas of city logistics. In our earlier work, we examined brownfield areas, the possibility of using the city’s tramway and suburban railway system for goods transportation, optimizing the system of urban loading areas, developing complex cost structures, and multiple-stage city logistics systems. On top of that, the Research Group took part in elaborating Budapest’s city logistical system improvement conceptions. Additionally, the Research Group is continuously engaging with the city logistics policymakers in Budapest.
Our currently highlighted subject is “Innovative modeling and sizing methods of supply systems of urban concentrated sets of delivery points”. Based on this theme, we are working on multiple publications. We are also examining the possibility of using drones, urban railways, and waterways in service of supplying the city, setting smart urban loading areas, and next to these topics, the city logistics system of the parcel machines is under study.

Hungary, 1111 Budapest, Bertalan Lajos utca 7-9.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, building L, Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems
Krisztián Bóna, Ph.D.
Dávid Lajos Sárdi, Ph.D.